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9 December 2013

More for you at nestling

At nestling we have made a number of enhancements and want to share them with you. Whether it's rewarding you for choosing to shop with us; helping you to compile a wardrobe of gorgeous clothes; or giving you the opportunity to have your say on our boutique and services, we want to make sure your shopping experience is a truly satisfying one.

Here's a summary of our recent additions:

1. Member rewards program

We have just launched the nestling member rewards program. To become a member, simply register an account and subscribe to our newsletter. Once you are a member you will receive special discounts, previews, vouchers and lots of other exciting rewards. 

2. Gift registry

The nestling gift registry is great idea for baby showers, birthdays and other special occasions. Creating a gift register helps your family and friends give the perfect gift! We will gladly assist you in putting your gift register together, whether you are a first time mum and aren't sure what you need, or you would like some ideas for putting a wardrobe of clothes together.

nestling gift register offers your family and friends:

·        a selection of clothes, baby accessories and other gifts they know you will love; 
·        a convenient shopping experience;
·        free gift wrapping; and
·        free postage on orders over $100.

As our gift to you, you will receive:

·        10% off all remaining products on your gift register after the event has occurred; and
·        nestling gift voucher worth 20% of the total amount purchased from your gift register.

Creating a gift register is easy. To get started simply create an account or, if you already have an account, just log in.

3. Customer feedback survey

What do you think of nestling? Now is the time to have your say. We are conducting our first ever survey and would love to hear from you. Follow the link to complete the customer feedback survey.

When you are done send us an email to let us know you have taken the survey and we will send you a $10 voucher to thank you for your input.

The team at nestling.

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