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16 December 2013

nestling Christmas poem

'Twas the week before Christmas
and all through the store
nestling was offering
30% off, or more.

With loads of great brands
and designers for you
plus free gift wrapping
to make it easier too.

There are dresses for girls,
shorts and tops for boys,
lots of baby blankets,

A range of beautiful fabrics
in gorgeous styles,
we have fabulous clothing
that goes on for miles.

Spend more than $100
and we'll send your order for free.
There's something for every little nestling
under our tree.

Merry Christmas from the team at nestling.

9 December 2013

More for you at nestling

At nestling we have made a number of enhancements and want to share them with you. Whether it's rewarding you for choosing to shop with us; helping you to compile a wardrobe of gorgeous clothes; or giving you the opportunity to have your say on our boutique and services, we want to make sure your shopping experience is a truly satisfying one.

Here's a summary of our recent additions:

1. Member rewards program

We have just launched the nestling member rewards program. To become a member, simply register an account and subscribe to our newsletter. Once you are a member you will receive special discounts, previews, vouchers and lots of other exciting rewards. 

2. Gift registry

The nestling gift registry is great idea for baby showers, birthdays and other special occasions. Creating a gift register helps your family and friends give the perfect gift! We will gladly assist you in putting your gift register together, whether you are a first time mum and aren't sure what you need, or you would like some ideas for putting a wardrobe of clothes together.

nestling gift register offers your family and friends:

·        a selection of clothes, baby accessories and other gifts they know you will love; 
·        a convenient shopping experience;
·        free gift wrapping; and
·        free postage on orders over $100.

As our gift to you, you will receive:

·        10% off all remaining products on your gift register after the event has occurred; and
·        nestling gift voucher worth 20% of the total amount purchased from your gift register.

Creating a gift register is easy. To get started simply create an account or, if you already have an account, just log in.

3. Customer feedback survey

What do you think of nestling? Now is the time to have your say. We are conducting our first ever survey and would love to hear from you. Follow the link to complete the customer feedback survey.

When you are done send us an email to let us know you have taken the survey and we will send you a $10 voucher to thank you for your input.

The team at nestling.

2 December 2013

The things we love about Christmas

23 things to love about Christmas

1. The rising excitement level of our children (and all children)

2. Sunny days = summer clothes

3. Shop decorations

4. Sending and receiving Christmas cards

5. Santa photos

6. Putting up the tree

7. Decorating the tree  

8. Christmas carols

9. Christmas cooking

10. Choosing/making and giving presents to the teacher

11. End of year school concerts

12. Carols by candlelight

13. Choosing something for the Giving Tree

14. School holidays

15. Deciphering the Christmas list

16. Driving around to see the Christmas lights

17. Wrapping presents (usually on Christmas Eve)

18. Putting out cookies, carrots & milk for Santa and his reindeer

19. Sneaking in to place the gifts from Santa on the end of the bed on Christmas Eve

20. Christmas morning

21. Gift giving

22. Christmas dinner

23. Relaxing on Boxing Day  
The team at nestling.

25 November 2013

10 naughty but nice Christmas treats for kids (and mums & dads!)

I know it's a cliche but it is beginning to look a lot like Christmas. With a month to go it is almost unavoidable. Most shops have been ramping up the Christmas displays, toy sales and general hype for weeks now. The Christmas parade has come and gone, there are not many days of school left and Santa is getting a real workout dashing from one shopping centre to the next!

So, it is time to embrace the festive season and what better way to do that than by sharing some fabulous Christmas recipes? These creations have been gathered from a variety of sources and I have not tried them all so cannot personally vouch for them, but they look absolutely magnificent. This list celebrates the decadence and fun of this time of year and is definitely not recommended for everyday cooking.
My definition of Christmas on a stick. Children will love this one.

An interesting choice for Christmas breakfast - fun and even slightly healthy.

There, I managed to include something slightly healthy but completely yummy.

Photo: Yunhee Kim

4. Chocolate raspberry pavlova
Very patriotic as pavlova is the Australian dessert and what could be better than adding chocolate and raspberries?

The kids can definitely help to make these and they can be packaged up as home-made Christmas gifts.

Photo: Dani Venn

Not too sweet but still a great Christmassy taste, and it will keep well - if there's any left!

Yum! Just explain to your little girls that they are not actually eating the Strawberry Shortcake...

Children will love to help with making these, especially when it comes to using the cookie cutter.

I love these - and they look so easy. Child's play!

This looks absolutely fantastic, so hopefully one of my friends will make one so I can try it. After my last gingerbread house effort I think I'll pass on this complex recipe, but good luck to you if you give it a go. I'd love to see a photo.

Happy cooking (and eating) with your family and friends and remember it is only once a year.

The team at nestling.

18 November 2013

Breastfeeding - current events

Photo courtesy Anton Nossik

Breastfeeding has long been a highly emotional and divisive topic. I would like to be able to say that breastfeeding in public is now commonplace and totally accepted, but unfortunately society has not yet got to that point. However, improvements in education and public perception have been made and these should be celebrated.

Breast vs bottle
The World Health Organisation takes a strong stance on the importance of breast milk for newborn babies and young children and states that, "virtually all mothers can breastfeed". This is of no comfort to those who cannot. Whilst most mothers would like to be able to make the decision to breast or bottle feed without fear of judgement, in reality this just is not the case. Those women who go straight to bottle feeding, or those who try breastfeeding and then switch to bottle, often feel extremely guilty (or are made to feel extremely guilty) for not breastfeeding their child. There are others who persevere with breastfeeding only to find themselves miserable and dreading every feed, which can lead to issues with bonding with their baby.

Returning to work
For those who are lucky enough to find breastfeeding both comfortable and easy, it is the most natural thing in the world. If they are also employed in workplaces that are supportive and flexible in relation to maternity leave, returning to work, and breastfeeding or expressing in the workplace, then they probably don't know what all the fuss is about. But I would suggest that these lucky women are in the minority.

Benefits of breastfeeding
That said, there is strong evidence of the benefits of breast milk for babies - particularly in relation to building immunity, reducing the risk of obesity and diabetes in adulthood, and, as a result of recent research, increases in intelligence. For the mother the benefits include helping to lose weight gained during pregnancy as well as reducing rates of ovarian and breast cancer in later life.

A 2012 report from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare showed that 90% of Australian babies are breastfed at birth. This figure drops significantly by the end of the recommended exclusive breastfeeding period of six months and, while statistics vary, it appears that only approximately 10-15% of mothers are still exclusively breastfeeding their babies at six months.

UK trial
In an attempt to overcome low breastfeeding rates in the UK, on November 13 a pilot scheme was announced. The pilot will take place in two low income areas of England and will offer food vouchers (with a value of approximately AU$340) to new mothers who breastfeed their babies for the first six weeks.

The study is aimed at lower income areas where it is feared breastfeeding is no longer a cultural norm, and has in fact been stigmatised by formula advertising. In the areas chosen for the study it is not uncommon for new mothers to never have seen a baby being breastfed. The researchers claim that babies born into affluent families in the UK are four times more likely to be breastfed than those born into deprived areas.

The initiative is clearly controversial with some questioning the use of financial incentives. However, if the trial is successful, it could be rolled out across the UK next year.

Breast milk bank
In Australia, an alternative for mothers who want to breastfeed but are unable to do so is the Mother's Milk Bank. This not-for-profit organisation, staffed by volunteers, collects, screens, pasteurises and distributes donated human milk to mothers who are unable to supply their own milk to their babies, or who develop problems with lactation and require support to continue to breastfeed their babies. 

Currently operating out of Northern NSW, it is the aim of the Mother's Milk Bank to facilitate the introduction of a network of banks around Australia within 10 years. 

We are all for anything that keeps mothers and babies happy and healthy.

The team at nestling.

11 November 2013

Suri Cruise's style

Suri Cruise, daughter of Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise, at the tender age of seven, is already known for her style and taste when it comes to clothing. Clearly her mother has a large degree of influence and demonstrates great taste in dressing young Suri in expensive designer clothes. However, this must be an area of interest for Suri as it is rumoured she will be launching her own label next year.

Here are some of our favourite Miss Cruise outfits, together with some equally stylish nestling alternatives.

If Suri likes her pink floral dress we think she would love the style and fun of the Heart paisley swing dress from Paper Wings.
Now that she has grown up a bit, Suri might choose this sleeveless Frill armhole dress from One Red Fly. It's the same colour as hers, but a slightly older design.

One Red Fly

Navy seems to be a favourite of the glamorous Miss Cruise. We think she would love both the Broidery party dress from Megan Park Girl and the Lace skater dress from Tahlia by Minihaha.

Megan Park Girl
Tahlia by Minihaha

The gorgeous lines of the Fabrik Riviera dress in ivory look absolutely fantastic and would be sure to appeal to Suri's taste.

Of course while it is nice to get ideas from little celebrities it is also important (and lots of fun) to let your little ones develop their own style - even if that does mean wearing gumboots with strappy summer dresses!

If you're looking for inspiration for your boys look no further than the ever-stylish Beckham family. 

Have fun dressing your mini fasionistas.

The team at nestling.

4 November 2013

Hip hip hooray!!

This week we are celebrating nestling's first birthday!! We can't believe that it has been a year since we opened our virtual doors. It has been so busy that the last twelve months are a bit of a blur.

As we are in a party mood we decided to highlight some of our favourite nestling party outfits - with Christmas just around the corner we hope they will come in very handy. 

For the girls we have beautiful dresses from a range of popular and exclusive brands. There are stylish party dresses from Megan Park Girl, One Red Fly, Tahlia byMinihaha, and Willow & Finn; and fabulously fun designs from Paper Wings and Hootkid

Megan Park Girl
One Red Fly
Willow & Finn

There are some gorgeous choices for baby girls from Bebe by Minihaha, Little Wings and Purebaby.

Little Wings
Bebe by Minihaha

Boys are well catered for by Andy & Evan, Bebe by Minihaha, Fox & Finch, Purebaby and Sierra Julian. With some more casual styles available from Broken Tricycle, Hootkid, Milky, Paper Wings and Rhubarb.

Broken Tricycle
Andy & Evan

We have also recently received our latest range of Huckleberry Lane sleepwear for girls and boys, as well as our Acorn sunhats, both of which make fabulous Christmas presents.

Huckleberry Lane
Huckleberry Lane

Come and celebrate our birthday with us! Look out for our special birthday offers later this week.

We look forward to bringing you a lot more beautiful clothes over the coming year.

The team at nestling.

28 October 2013

The ghost of Christmas creative disasters past...

A couple of years ago gingerbread houses seemed to be all the rage. Some of the other mothers at my child's school were buying beautiful ones from the local delicatessen, either for their own tables or as gifts, and for some inexplicable reason I decided I would have a go at making one. I have never been an "arty" or particularly creative person and I really admire people who are, so I thought I would take the easy way out and get a gingerbread house kit. How hard could that be?

I couldn't believe my eyes when I opened the kit and saw how many pieces were involved. Then came the fiddly part of actually sticking it all together with icing that seemed to be rapidly drying. I splashed icing on each piece as fast as I could and squished them together, while grabbing another bit and lathering that in icing so that I would have something to hold the first two pieces together. So, it went on until I had the basic shape of a house (and I do mean "basic").

From there it just needed decorating. Simple, right? Wrong! Not only did all of the little baubles, candy canes and wreaths need to be glued on with icing, but I also had to drizzle the roof with icing to make it look like snow.

Finally, stressed to the max and in a state of exhaustion, it was finished. I felt a wonderful sense of achievement and savoured the moment ..... for about 30 seconds until I noticed everything was starting to slide! The carefully drawn windows on each side were just weird looking smudges of icing, the walls were starting to splay, the roof was coming apart and the wreath was slipping!

I quickly fixed what I could and whisked the whole thing downstairs to the laundry (the coolest room in the house) where it sat in shame, waiting for Christmas Day. Over the next 24 hours (when I wasn't shopping or wrapping presents), each time I went downstairs for something I had to "redecorate" my gingerbread house.

Of course it went down a treat on Christmas Day and my family, who realised what an achievement this creation (despite its flaws) was for me, were very supportive. However the ghost of Christmas gingerbread houses past still haunts me and I can't see us having a homemade gingerbread house again in our house for a very long time!

I have seen a great meringue and strawberry Santa cake around this year - hmmm, maybe..... how hard could it be??

The team at nestling.