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First haircut photo courtesy of seanmfreese |
first haircut is a milestone event. For some parents it is a bit sad as it
means their baby is growing up, and not a baby anymore. For others it is an
exciting start of a lifelong process. There is a tradition of keeping a lock of
baby's hair which most hairdressers are usually fairly accommodating about. My
experience was a bit different.
I took my
daughter for her first haircut when she was 15 months old. As a baby she had
quite a lot of hair, but it seemed to grow more at the front than the back so
she ended up with a long fringe which was very difficult to do anything with.
Clips would slip out and a hair tie never looked right and she obviously didn't
have the right shaped head for a hairband (they would just slide further and
further back until they shot off her head onto the floor!) So, a haircut was
definitely in order.
We arrived
at the local hairdresser and they were lovely - "oohing" and
"aahing" over my cute baby girl. She was quite happy to sit up in the
big chair (on an extra high cushion) and quite interested in what was going on.
All went well with the trim until, as they were sweeping around the chair, one
of the hairdressers said, "Did you keep some of her hair?" Eeek! In
all the excitement I had forgotten this most important part of the first
haircut. So, what I have from my daughter's first haircut is what the
hairdresser was able to pick up from the floor using a piece of sticky-tape -
oh, the shame!
If you
haven't already had your child's hair cut for the first time, here are some tips
you might want to consider.
There is no
right or wrong time. Some babies have lots of hair and need a haircut before
they turn one, others struggle to have enough to cut by the time they are two -
or even older. There are a number of factors that might influence your decision
such as the thickness of your baby's hair, the climate you live in and, if
relevant, your baby's tolerance for hair accessories. As some children are
better at sitting still than others you might also want to choose a time when
your child is not too tired or hungry, and have some favourite toys with you in
case a distraction is required.
Prior to
the haircut explain to your child, in very basic terms, what is going to happen
and reinforce how grown-up they are to be having a haircut just like a big
boy/girl. Some suggest referring to it as a 'trim' rather than a 'cut' so it
doesn't sound so scary. It may also help to take them with you when having your
own, or an older child's, hair cut so they can see what it is all about. There
are two things you should be sure to explain: 1. that hair grows continually and
they will have lots of haircuts throughout their life; and, 2. it will not
Haircut at home
You may choose
to cut your baby's hair yourself rather than taking them to a salon. If so, the
easiest place to do this in their highchair. Unless you think they will be
scared by the sight of the scissors, you may want to position the highchair in
front of a mirror so they can watch. Wetting the hair first with a mist spray -
either or just water, or water and conditioner if there are tangles - will make
it easier to cut. You may find it easier to do a little bit at a time, rather
than all in one go, and you can probably get away with this as long as you
aren't too extreme. Might be best to do all of a fringe at one time though!
If you
don't have a brush that will get the trimmed hairs off clothes and skin then a
bath, or at least a change of clothes, as soon as you have finished would be advisable.
At the salon
When booking
the appointment make sure you advise the hairdresser of the age of your child
and that this will be their first haircut. When you arrive try to help your
child to relax. Get out their toys, or utilise the ones at the salon, or a
video or iPad. If they don't want to sit on the chair on their own let them sit
on your lap. If your child becomes upset try to just get the minimum done (no
need for a cape, water spray etc.) Most hairdressers are surprisingly able to
cut hair even if the child is moving, but try to help by keeping your child as
still as possible.
Keep calm and make it fun if you can. The hairdresser will
no doubt attempt to get the job done in the shortest possible time. If your
child is finding the whole experience too traumatic you can always rebook, but
then you may have to go through it all again, so working with the hairdresser
to finish quickly might be a better option.
Remember, haircuts
are a part of life and you will have to come back again and again. When it is
over, help your child to view getting their haircut as a positive experience by
praising them for sitting still and reinforcing how grown-up they look. Also,
let them choose how they would like their new hair styled, parted or
accessorised so that they feel they have some control.
Something to remember
forget, if you want to keep some of your child's hair make sure to tell the
hairdresser as soon as they start to cut (not when they are sweeping the floor
afterwards!!) You might also want to take your own container with you to take
the hair home in. If you are cutting your child's hair at home have a container
ready to put the first lock in.
If you want
to record the event remember to take some photos or video, although you may
have your hands full at the time in which case 'before' and 'after' shots might
have to suffice. Good luck!
The team at nestling.
The team at nestling.